Thursday, November 20, 2008

Why do you blog?

It has been difficult trying to post things up at the blog mainly because...
my day time is taken up by the CIMB internship which has exceeded my expectations for now,really....

My night time has been taken up by One World Youth Project, because we are dealing with expansions at the moment (more on that to come soon....)

My weekends are taken up by friend- times......

So what other times are left for blogs?

You are right, I can still write simple stuff without much brains or research. BTW, This Ezy Connection doesn't really pay off but it does give me a simple enough connection to get online....

What do you think about blogging?
As for today's question, I would like to know about your reason behind blogging. I think blogs that are structured around something are more likely to capture anyone's attention.


ndhaniya said...

It's a question I ask myself on an almost-daily basis. I believe it also depends on what you're trying to get out of it, maybe why one starts in the first place. For me, it's a little bit of me cyber space, something to call my own, ya know? And putting thigs in black (or blue) & white helps put some things in perspective... both among other reasons... :) so why do you blog?

Ching said...

Lol, inklingS! thats what i call it! I wanted to write and find people who were interested in the same odd issues as I was.... Unfortunately, I just don't seem to have as much time as I thought I would have to blog! Blogs are a beautiful way of expressing ourselves, and I have seen that in some of our friends' blogs!