Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The first trip is the most memorable ....

I was a Girl Guide when I was in Secondary School. Back in Penang perhaps there was not much to do and Girl Guide was the best way to BOND with your friends, schoolmates, etc. Not the most obvious choice but those years were the building blocks of AiChingNess.

And so, my first trip (without my parents) was sponsored by cookie-selling-fundraising (of course it is an exaggeration, cookies back then never sponsored a return flight to Korea) From presenting a dreadful dance in front of 1000 spectators including the late Korean Prime Minister himself, to watching your S**t fall ten metres in the traditional Korean loo...

just when you thought it couldn't get any worse than Malaysian toilets... IT DOES!
I minimised the picture on purpose, so do not click on it because you really dont want to know what's 10 metres beneath that hole.

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