Sunday, December 21, 2008

Currencies and the Current recession

Let's talk about money........

Do you know how much Euros used to be?

1 Eur = RM4 roughly
And now……..
It’s 1Eur = RM 5

Not a big change to you…?

1 GBP used to be RM 6.8
And now….
It’s 1 GBP to Rm 5.5


1 AUD used to be RM 3.30
And now
1 AUD = RM 2.3!!!

Okay what does that mean?

If you had RM 680k (100K GBP) in your bank, it’s now worth RM 550k. (-130)
If you had RM 660k (200K AUD) in your bank, it’s now worth RM 460k. (-200)

So UK and Australia, who's facing the bigger deficit?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

If there is one charitable search engine to use, GOOD SEARCH will be it

Where I work now, my job load has practically decreased from 50% to 0% in the past 3 days. The presence of the team of 20 has diminished to about 8 people. As an intern, I get nothing to do and this is when my “online research” skills is put to test. Good Search is a search engine powered by Yahoo! That gives approx 1 cent to your favourite charity organization (mainly in USA).


Pick your choice! Search and do good!

Too much carbon: to care or to ignore

This is a website targeted towards Canadian users. It measures the carbon footprint the bank emits. Do you know what carbon footprint means? There is a more colourful website but I definitely cannot remember its name now. It measures how much of carbon released into the air that you are contributing, in other words HOW MUCH IS YOUR PERSONAL CONTRIBUTION TO GLOBAL WARMING. With the amount of cars we drive in Malaysia, I suspect we probably contribute more than you think we do.

The question comes down to this:

Have you ever considered the consequences of your actions?

It could be something as simple as turning on the air conditioning for an extra 30 minutes when you are already wearing three layers of clothes in MALAYSIA.
It could be choosing a Coca Cola plastic bottle instead of the can.
It could be choosing to drive a Toyota or a Ford.

And guess what, it matters.

The weather in Malaysia now is becoming TOO HOT (like in Dubai) for Chinese New Year. But at other times when there's no monsoon, it rains.


HEY. How about SNOW in October as a starter? Avalanches, landslides, typhoons, hurricanes... you pick your choice as the main course.

It's not too late to save our grandchildren, great grand children from this.

If only the point I make is taken........

Thursday, December 11, 2008

How to be Fired by Martin Bihl

Think this might come up useful when the economy goes down like now....

Step One: Get Fired
You'd be surprised how many people walk around for a couple of weeks acting like they've been fired before they are actually let go. Freaking out that they're going to be laid off, moping around the office, and then it doesn't happen, and they've wasted all that time when they could've been, I don't know, working maybe. Or looking for a new job. Or drinking. Or anything. So don't sweat being fired until it happens. It won't do you any good.

Step Two: Freak Out
OK, you've been fired. Congratulations. The ax has fallen and it's got your neck all over it. Well, at least that's over. And while eventually it may all work out for the best, right now, it sucks. So freak out. Grieve. Scream. Yell. Throw things. Cry. Drink. Whatever. But get it out of your system. You absolutely, positively have to deal with it now, otherwise you'll carry it around with you for the next 30 years. Which is okay if you don't mind it rearing its ugly head when you least want it to. And it will.

Step Three: Decide on Your Story
"He who controls the story controls his destiny." I think C.J. Cregg of "The West Wing" said that. But it's true, and you have to assume that once you get an interview, the first thing they're going to ask you (or maybe the second, after "Would you please stop shaking my hand?") is "Why did you leave your last job?" How you answer this will reveal worlds about you. Do you say, "I got fired and I have no idea why"? ABOUT THE AUTHOR
Martin Bihl is founder and creative director of 7419, which provides creative and strategy for agencies and clients around the world. You can reach him there to continue this conversation at
That seems frighteningly uncurious and rather disingenuous -- neither of which are qualities anyone wants to hire. Do you say, "I got fired and I hate those bastards and I will spend all my free time hunting them down like the dogs they are"? Hey, at least it shows passion. Either of these are better, however, than just standing there stammering. So come up with something. And then stick to it.

Step Four: Be the Brand
We are in the business of selling brands. Or at the very least, bringing them to life. We -- of all people -- should know how hard it is to be convincing about something that is ill-defined. So why would you go into the job market without a clear brand for yourself? I don't know. And yet, everyone does it.

So after you've figured out what you're going to say about why you're suddenly so darn available, figure out why they should hire you. What's unique about you? Or said another way, figure out why they should hire you and not the ten thousand other yahoos who've recently been sacked because the economy is in the toilet.

Want to be really smart? Take it a step further. Customize your brand to the people you're talking to. You know, like you always told your clients they should do, for exactly the same reasons.

Step Five: Eliminate What You Hate
There will be a part of being fired that you really hate. (I don't mean the being broke part. Everyone hates that -- everyone with any brains at least.) So figure out what it is and figure out a way to get over it. Maybe you hate not having people to hang out with. Then go to Starbucks. I'm serious. Or maybe you hate not having a routine. Make one -- get up, walk the dogs, read your mail, write something, whatever. Or maybe it's explaining to your nosy neighbors why suddenly you're wandering around the neighborhood in your pajamas at 11 a.m. I don't know. But figure it out and get around it. Otherwise you're going to add another level of stress to the stress of being out of work. And who needs that?

Step Six: Embrace Repetition
Face this fact: You're going to be saying the same things over and over again. You're going to have your elevator pitch. Or you're going to have the thing you tell your neighbor. Or the spiel you make in an interview. Work it, polish it, refine it -- but whatever you do, don't get bored with it.

Usually when we're presenting to a client, we only have to do it once or twice -- maybe three times. We're just not used to bringing the same enthusiasm the 10th or 15th time that we brought the first two times. And that's exactly what you're going to be faced with when you're interviewing.

Our natural instinct, of course, is to adjust what we're presenting. Not necessarily make it better, just make it fresher so we can keep the passion in it, because otherwise we'll feel bored by it. But look -- even though this may be the 10th time you've said this exact same stuff, it's probably the first time this particular person has heard it. It's new to them. Make it sound like it's new to you, too.

Because the sooner you learn how, the less you may have to.

Monday, December 08, 2008

50 visionaries who are changing your world.

Take a look at this website.

And THEN, let me know what you think


Thursday, December 04, 2008

Where is Somalia?

Do you know where is Somalia? When I was in Bristol, it was very easy to distinguish Somalians from the rest of the Africans... and there were many of them, seeking asylum.... etc

Students in universities like Bristol are really active in charity... So, we see even more Somalians and rally/ provide them food etc...

Today I am painted in a streak of curiousity and I ask, what really happens in Somalia?

SOMALIA CONFLICT: Rampant piracy offshore and an advance by Islamist rebels on Mogadishu have put Somalia in the global spotlight. There are a number of possible scenarios for the country. A local elder says that heavily armed Islamists are searching for the pirate group behind the hijack of a huge Saudi Arabian tanker believed anchored half-way up Somalia's coastline. And in the latest round of U.N.-brokered talks in Djibouti, which are rejected by hardline Islamist insurgents and have done little to end violence, the Somali government and moderate wing the of the Islamist-led opposition have committed to power-sharing and an expansion of parliament as a way of bringing peace. They have also agreed to seek a two-year extension of the government's mandate. It expires next year. Meanwhile, police say Somali gunmen have kidnapped two Western freelance journalists - an Australian and a Canadian - in the northern province of Puntland.

Do you get lost easily in words?

So do I...

How about.....

1 Doctor takes care of 25,000 people (UNDP 2006)
12% of children go to school (UNICEF,2005)
Population with access to safe water- 29% (UNDP 2006)
22.5% children die before the age of 5 (UNDP, 2005)
Average age on death bed 47 years (UNICEF, 2005)

A typical developing country slowing its pace?
Think again.....
That's because I did not include gruesome photos and videos.

Have a good day, and appreciate what you have today. :)

Monday, December 01, 2008

Just for fun: Research on "10 things science says will make you happy"

And this is PRECISELY the reason why I tell you I dont do psychology.........
I am into concrete neuropsych !

1. Savor Everyday Moments
Easy to say, difficult to do

2. Avoid Comparisons
If you don't compare, how do you get to the top?

3. Put Money Low on the List
Tell that to my banker friends, please...

4. Have Meaningful Goals
No comment.

5. Take Initiative at Work
Agreed, but not sure if it makes you happier.

6. Make Friends, Treasure Family
I'm on my way

7. Smile Even When You Don’t Feel Like It
It's called masking your feelings, you moron!

8. Say Thank You Like You Mean It
"Thank you" should be an automatic word.

9. Get Out and Exercise
My guilt is eating me up.

10. Give It Away, Give It Away Now!
Do you mean money? You need to come to Malaysia..

Source: here