Saturday, January 03, 2009

Why live in the city when you can live in the village

This article has got me to think about quite a lot of things. First, can I really do it? Second, do I really want to? Third, am I happier chasing dreams or just being true to myself?

I won't know until I have tried it. I think I had friends (at the age of 17) who told me they want to retire to the village, grow a farm, landscape like New Zealand, have a bit of cows, goats, chicken, vegetation, a house that looks like a windmill...... Is it normal for us to desire such a lifestyle? What does that tell us about our pace of life at the moment?

I have moved to a town to a city like Kuala Lumpur. Life is more hectic, I get to run and pretend play catch with a lot more "dreams" and live the high life..... but truly, what makes me happy? Are they the "dreams" or the real things that make you happy?

I wonder and I wonder....

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