Have you got a couple of weeks to spare and you dont know what to do? Well, two weeks is enough for you to get to Malaysia and check out the SEATRU program. From what I understand, Malaysians now pay RM200, board and food inclusive. Foreigners pay USD 150-200 depending on student Status.
All of this for....
1. A private island get away in Redang itself, dreamy starry nights ..... (I actually mean it, the public cannot get access to where turtles lay eggs, that is why it is called a turtle sanctuary)
2. The opportunity to sun bathe and swim with the sharks, explore the jungle, watch hermit crabs.
3. Turtle tagging, learn about conservation efforts but more importantly, save these cute little hatchlings from predators such as lizards and sharks and what not! These are hatchlings that have just survived their first test of growing up, crawling 1 metre plus out of their nest.

I will never forget what an adult turtle's breathing sounds like. It was totally human like and a turtle is huge!!!!! But Ill leave it to you to find out.